Marketing Department Structure Alignment

Who is it for?
Your Challenges now.
As your business grew over the years, layer and layer of capabilities and roles were added to the marketing department. While there is a structure, there is the much-needed integration. Your business has undergone the many changes and it is only natural that the marketing department grows and aligns with the business needs. You may even have an in-house design team, social media team, production team. How do you align these? They are more marketing support than marketing per se. You want to increase the marketing department’s productivity and performance thus delivering to the company’s growth and profits.
Set marketing department by aligning to business needs.
Evaluate spends based on financial and business needs.
Reorganize where needed according to brand, product portfolio, main and support roles.
Set reporting structure. Alignment of main or support roles. Limit cross reporting.
Define key KPIs, roles and responsibilities.
Determine training and skills enhancements (where needed).
roar your brand with our marketing department structure alignment
with fees starting from RM39000 onwards (where needed)